
Cambridge - 2009


Issam Kourbaj is Artist in Residence and a Bye-Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge. Born in Syria, he trained in Damascus, Leningrad and London and comes from a fine art, architecture and theatre design background. His work has been exhibited in three continents and is held in a number of collections, including The British Museum.

In recent years, Issam has drawn inspiration from the world of science, particularly light and optics: his recent installation Light Within, Life Without used camera obscura to encourage people to look differently at familiar scenes, and was displayed at the Botanic Gardens in Cambridge as part of Cambridge University’s 800th anniversary celebrations and at the Kettle’s Yard Upside Down/Inside Out exhibition. He has also designed an analemma sundial as a performance art piece, as part of Light Matter, and recently published Cambridge Palimpsest — a layered puzzle and map charting the development of the city over time — and has worked on a set design for Let Newton Be! which has been performed in Cambridge.

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